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Final Fantasy VII Original Sound Track
Disk One
01 - Prelude
02 - Opening - Bombing Mission
03 - Mako Reactor
04 - Anxious Heart
05 - Tifa's Theme
06 - Barrett's Theme
07 - Hurry!
08 - Lurking in the Darkness
09 - Shinra Company
10 - Fighting
11 - Fanfare
12 - Flowers Blooming in the Church
13 - Turk's Theme
14 - Underneath the Rotting Pizza
15 - Oppressed People
16 - Honeybee Manor
17 - Who are You?
18 - Don of the Slums
19 - Infiltrating Shinra Tower
20 - Still More Fighting
21 - Red XIII's Theme
22 - Crazy Motorcycle
23 - Holding my Thoughts in my Heart
Simply move your character with the virtual joystick on the left side of the screen, and fire your weapon with a button on the right. Just like the PC and console version of PAYDAY, there's tons of characters, both cops and robbers, to choose from in PAYDAY: Crime War. Also on the right side of the screen are buttons to jump, reload your weapon and launch grenades. Not only that, the more you play, the more new content you'll unlock: dozens of masks, suits, weapons, accessories, loads of new safes, and even more exclusive content! With all that, and spectacular graphics you can customize to your device, PAYDAY: Crime War is a great team-based FPS, that manages to bring PAYDAY's fantastic game experience to Android devices.
Final Fantasy 7 Music Download Youtube

Disk Two
01 - Main Theme
02 - Ahead on our Way
03 - Good Night, Until Tomorrow
04 - On that Day, 5 Years Ago
05 - Farm Boy
06 - Waltz de Chocobo
07 - Electric de Chocobo
08 - Cinco de Chocobo
09 - Chasing the Black-Caped Man
10 - Fortress of the Condor
11 - Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony
12 - It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It?
13 - Trail of Blood
14 - J-E-N-O-V-A
15 - Continue?
16 - Costa del Sol
17 - Mark of the Traitor
18 - Mining Town
19 - Gold Saucer
20 - Cait Sith's Theme
21 - Sandy Badlands
Disk Three
01 - Cosmo Canyon
02 - Life Stream
03 - Great Warrior
04 - Descendant of Shinobi
05 - Those Chosen by the Planet
06 - The Nightmare's Beginning
07 - Cid's Theme
08 - Steal the Tiny Bronco!
09 - Wutai
10 - Stolen Materia
11 - Racing Chocobos - Place your Bets
12 - Fiddle de Chocobo
13 - A Great Success
14 - Tango of Tears
15 - Debut
16 - Interrupted by Fireworks
17 - Forested Temple
18 - You can Hear the Cry of the Planet
19 - Aerith's Theme
20 - Buried in the Snow
21 - The Great Northern Cave
22 - Reunion
23 - Who am I?
Final Fantasy 7 Ost Remastered Download
Disk Four
01 - Shinra Army Wages a Full-Scale Attack
02 - Weapon Raid
03 - Highwind Takes to the Skies
04 - A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea
05 - Parochial Town
06 - Off the Edge of Despair
07 - On the Other side of the Mountain
08 - Hurry Faster!
09 - Sending a Dream into the Universe
10 - The Countdown Begins
11 - If you Open your Heart..
12 - The Mako Cannon is Fired - Shinra Explodes
13 - Judgement Day
14 - Jenova Absolute
15 - The Birth of God
16 - One Winged Angel
17 - World Crisis
18 - Staff Roll
Final Fantasy 7 Mp3 Download
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