If you need guidelines explaining PSP game download, a glance through this article will be helpful.
Items you will need
Sony PSP gaming system
PSP Firmware 1.0 or 1.50
PSP memory stick
PSP homebrew games
Unzipping utility
When you download games on a PSP, you don't have to worry about carrying around hundreds of PSP UMDs (Universal Media Discs). You are only limited by how much data your PSP memory stick can hold. Plus, by learning how to download games on a PSP, you get an opportunity to play innovative homebrew games.
A thriving community of enthusiasts develops applications that can be run on Sony's PlayStation Portable (PSP). These games, often referred to as 'homebrew,' can be downloaded free.
Check to see if you have the right firmware. Firmware is the proprietary operating system the PSP requires for functioning. You need Firmware 1.0 or 1.5 to download free games on a PSP. These versions allow you to play PSP homebrews; later versions have protections that avoid use of non-commercial PSP games.
To check your PSP's firmware, press the PSP's 'Home' button. Scroll down and select 'Settings.' From there, select 'System Information.' The firmware information can be found in the section where it says 'System Software.' If this section has the number 1.0 or 1.50, you'll be able to play PSP homebrews. If the number is higher, you won't be able to download free games on a PSP.
Format a PSP memory stick. The size of the memory stick doesn't matter since most PSP homebrews are relatively small. Insert the memory stick into the slot located on the left side of the PSP, where the directional buttons are. Pop open the cover and slide the memory stick in, making sure it's face up and follows the direction of the white arrow.
Press the 'Home' button and go into the 'Settings' section. Scroll down and select 'Systems Settings.' In the next screen, continue scrolling down until you can select 'Format Memory Stick.' The PSP will ask you if you want to format the memory stick. Answer 'Yes,' and the PSP will format the memory stick within just a few seconds.
Download free PSP games onto your computer. Sites like PSP Brew, UR PSP and PSP-Homebrew.eu contain tons of free PSP games. And the downloading process is pretty much the same. You either select an option to download, or you right-click on the file and use 'Save As' for downloading. Visit the sites to gain a better understanding; links are provided at the end of this article.
Unzip the files. Usually, when you download free PSP games, you receive files in a compressed (or zipped), format. This allows a developer to send larger files without the hassle of breaking them up into pieces. However, before you can use these games, you will have to unzip them so you can have access to the individual files.

To unzip files, you need to use an unzipping utility. Windows comes with one, and it's relatively easy to use since you just select options from a Wizard. But if you prefer something more sophisticated, consider using WinZip, for the PC, or Stuffit, for Macs. Both of these programs can be downloaded free, though the legal version of WinZip only offers a 30-day trial. Either way, unzipping is as simple as selecting 'Extract' and entering in the name of the file you want your games in.
Connect your PSP to the computer via a USB cable. Make sure you place the smaller end of the USB cable into your PSP. Place the larger end into any of the USB ports available on your computer.
Switch to USB mode. The PSP cannot communicate with your computer unless it is in USB mode. This is accomplished by pressing the 'Home' button, scrolling towards 'Settings' and then selecting 'USB Connection.'
Transfer the games onto your PSP. This step is the heart of downloading free games onto your PSP, and it is simple. With your PSP connected to your computer, take whatever games you plan on downloading and place them into the PSP > GAME folder. If this folder doesn't appear automatically, you can create one by 'right-clicking' in the PSP directory and then entering in the name 'Game.'
Run the games you downloaded. After you have installed the desired games onto your PSP, disconnect the device from your computer. In the main menu, scroll to the 'Game' section. Select the 'Memory Stick' option. The PSP homebrews you downloaded will be contained here. Highlight one of them and press 'X.' Assuming the homebrew is coded properly and you have the right firmware, it should run just like a commercial PSP game.
If you don't have the right firmware, your best bet is to buy an older PSP from sites like eBay. Make sure you ask the seller what type of firmware the PSP has, so you don't waste your money.
Some sites may allow you to download PSP firmware. Do not do this, as using hacked firmware is illegal, even if you're only using it to play PSP homebrews. And, if the firmware destroys your PSP, any warranties you have will be considered null and void. There is legal controversy over whether or not it's okay to play commercial PSP games without their original disks. In many jurisdictions, such an action is legal as long as you own the original PSP game.

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- http://cache.kotaku.com/assets/resources/2007/10/NoUMD.jpg, http://farm1.static.flickr.com/41/78595772_0050046524.jpg?v=0, http://au.playstation.com/assets/images/support/psp_playing_video/playingmusic_image1.jpg, http://www.liveforpcgaming.com/wp-content/downloading.jpg, http://images.macworld.com/images/weblogs/graphics/131146-StandardZipQuickLook.jpg, http://images.marketworks.com/hi/71/71296/ps3_psp_usb_charge_cable.jpg, http://psp-monkey.com/images/usbconn.jpg, http://www.pspgweber.com/EBootTutorial/Step3.jpg, http://uk.gizmodo.com/sony%20psp%20with%20hands.jpg
Download Game For Psp
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Nibbler 1.3 Nibbler is a Retro Style Game, A remake of an old classic arcade game called Nibbler, were you navigate a snake threw a ... (0 other versions available) | None | 2,321 views 73 downloads | Apr 02, 2015 jurassicplayer | 2321 |
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OpenTyrianPSP+ beta4 [2014-02-04] OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS classic shoot-em-up Tyrian. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The st... (0 other versions available) | None | 2,388 views 158 downloads | Apr 03, 2015 jurassicplayer | 2388 |
pacman 1.0 I got this from a homebrew website a couple of months ago. it should work but you might need to change some settings. (0 other versions available) | None | 1,771 views 123 downloads | Nov 06, 2014 Death | 1771 |
Portable Bubble 2.0.0 Its name is Portable bubble, and it is a Puzzle Bubble clone for Sony PSP. It's developed by Germano 'Gefa' Fabio. The ... (0 other versions available) | None | 2,185 views 551 downloads | Oct 20, 2009 lilsypha | 2185 |
Powernoid 4e Powernoid is my homage to the Amiga family of comuters. It's a Breakout clone with powerup features. This game was inspi... (0 other versions available) | None | 3,475 views 878 downloads | Oct 21, 2009 raing3 | 3475 |
PSP Rubik 3.01 Rubiks Cube. I didn't make it, I just upload homebrew. (0 other versions available) | None | 4,099 views 1,017 downloads | Oct 21, 2009 DarkSpace | 4099 |
PSPR (PSP Revolution) 1.0 PSP Revolution is a rythm based game similar to Stepmania and Dance Dance Revolution. During play arrows scroll upwards ... (0 other versions available) | None | 6,089 views 1,446 downloads | Jun 06, 2010 Prowler485 | 6089 |
REminiscencePSP Neoflash Edition REminiscence is a rewrite of the engine used in the game Flashback from Delphine Software. Flashback is a 2D platformer... (0 other versions available) | None | 1,905 views 654 downloads | Oct 20, 2009 lilsypha | 1905 |
Runaway Car 1.0 Hello everyone! For this great annual compo, my friend frankdrey and I have come together to form team... frankdrey and ... (3 other versions available) | None | 2,317 views 235 downloads | Aug 21, 2012 Another World | 2317 |
SIGNED JellyCar 1.1 JellyCar is a driving/platforming game,The game is about driving a squishy car through squishy worlds, trying to reach t... (0 other versions available) | 4,131 views 733 downloads | Jan 20, 2011 Schlupi | 4131 | |
SIGNED PSP Rubik's Cube 3D 3.4 PSP Game developer Exter has released a quick bug fix for PSP Rubiks Cube. Its the brain teaser game based off the r... (0 other versions available) | None | 6,448 views 773 downloads | Jan 20, 2011 Schlupi | 6448 |
SIGNED Spider Solitare 1.0 Signed Spider Solitare for the PSP system. Put it on your PSP/GALE folder to play. Enjoy! (0 other versions available) | None | 2,669 views 512 downloads | Jan 24, 2011 Schlupi | 2669 |
SIGNED Wagic: The Homebrew 0.14.1 Wagic is an heroic-fantasy game in which you battle as a sorcerer against your PSP. It is based on the rules of a very f... (0 other versions available) | None | 4,870 views 776 downloads | Jan 20, 2011 Schlupi | 4870 |
Sky Racer 1.0 Hello, I am Musky44, with my new game sky racer. In the game there is 3 game modes, Time Trial: You try to reach the sta... (0 other versions available) | None | 1,795 views 151 downloads | Aug 21, 2013 Another World | 1795 |
Sonymon 0.4 This game looks like Pokemon. You can battle trainers, fight against wild Sonymons and many more adventures can be explo... (0 other versions available) | None | 3,057 views 366 downloads | May 02, 2013 VatoLoco | 3057 |
SpaceCraft 2.0 This is a shoot em up, in which we destroy meteorites to accumulate points and advance in levels. The new version has... (0 other versions available) | None | 3,853 views 501 downloads | May 05, 2011 Atlanx | 3853 |
Sqrxz 3 (unsigned) 1.5 Sqrxz 3 is a Jumpn'Run which will please the hardcore gamer amongst you. You need fast fingers and a fast brain. Origi... (2 other versions available) | None | 1,658 views 180 downloads | Feb 01, 2013 Another World | 1658 |
Super Mario 3D Here's something to prove that the PSP is fully capable of running homebrew 3D games, and that it isn't out of the reach... (0 other versions available) | None | 4,725 views 689 downloads | Dec 31, 2012 Amin0152 | 4725 |
Super Mario War 1.7v2 Super Mario War is a Super Mario multiplayer game. The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game... (0 other versions available) | 9,813 views 2,466 downloads | Oct 20, 2009 lilsypha | 9813 | |
The Legend of Zelda - Oni Link Begins 1.0 Zelda Oni Link Begins is a PSP port of the second game in the French homebrew Zelda trilogy by Vincent Jouillat. New ver... (0 other versions available) | 8,288 views 710 downloads | Dec 30, 2012 Amin0152 | 8288 | |
The Legend of Zelda - Return of the Hylian 1.0 Zelda - Return of the Hylian is a port to the PSP of the popular french game which can be found here: http://www.zeldaro... (0 other versions available) | 4,767 views 582 downloads | Dec 18, 2012 Amin0152 | 4767 | |
The Legend of Zelda - Time to Triumph 1.0 Zelda - Time to Triumph is a PSP port of the final game in the french homebrew trilogy which was created by Vincent Joui... (0 other versions available) | 4,658 views 614 downloads | Dec 30, 2012 Amin0152 | 4658 | |
Touhou Imitation Style 40 A fanmade danmaku shooter. (0 other versions available) | None | 2,134 views 167 downloads | Mar 26, 2015 jurassicplayer | 2134 |
Wagic: The Homebrew 0.14.1 What is Wagic? Wagic is an heroic fantasy collectible trading card game (currently available for the PSP, Windows, an... (3 other versions available) | None | 8,946 views 1,463 downloads | Dec 27, 2010 Urza | 8946 |
Worm Warrior PSP 9/20/12 To install, copy the WormWarrior folder, in WormWarriorPSP.rar, to the PSPGAME folder on the memory card or PSP... (1 other versions available) | None | 1,919 views 236 downloads | Sep 21, 2012 Another World | 1919 |
XEED 1.1 Do you have good timing? A square will be moving left and right. Press the cross button once the square reaches the mid... (0 other versions available) | None | 2,417 views 84 downloads | Jul 21, 2015 blu | 2417 |
Xtris 1.01 This game was inspired from the original 'Tetris' game (1984). (0 other versions available) | None | 2,109 views 513 downloads | Dec 29, 2010 Urza | 2109 |
Zombie Crisis 1.0 PSP Zombie Crisis, a standalone mod for DukeNukem3D by Andrew 'Hudson' Childs and Geoffrey van Dijk. (0 other versions available) | None | 4,243 views 487 downloads | Aug 05, 2012 The Catboy | 4243 |