It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission. Jah cure never find download. The media files you download with must be for time shifting, personal, private, non commercial use only and remove the files after listening.
A video and step by step instructions to stream games from your Xbox One to your Windows 10 PC or tablet. A video and step by step instructions to stream games from your Xbox One to your Windows 10 PC or tablet. Talk to friends via Xbox Live, play online (if you have Xbox Live Gold on Xbox One) heck, you can even play Xbox 360 games. Both the above answers are right you can download some games off xbox live without needing a disk and you can save the games to your hard drive but you still need the disk in. There are some people that modify xboxes to burn games like you want, but it will get you permanently banned off of xbox live, so i wouldnt risk that.
By now, you’ve surely heard that you can play Xbox One games on any Windows 10 PC or tablet. You’re probably eagerly asking: “How!?” The answer is: “It’s actually surprisingly easy, to be honest.” There’s really not much to it. Check out my tutorial video above, and let’s walk through it: Beyonce 1 plus 1 mp3 download.
Step 1: Plug in and set up an Xbox One controller on your Windows 10 PC or tablet. Windows 10 PCs already have native support for Xbox One controllers. Just plug the controller in via the USB cable that came with it, wait for the drivers to install, and you’re good to go. It’ll vibrate when it’s ready to use. Easy!

Step 2: Launch the Xbox app for Windows 10. It’s free, and built into Windows 10. Also easy!
Step 3: Create an Xbox Live account, or sign into your existing account. After launch, you should see the Home screen, and a prompt to either log into your account or create a new account. It’s a simpler process than ever, as well as free. Just follow the steps you’re given; you should hopefully have some experience logging into accounts for things, if you’re on the Internet reading this!
Step 4: Turn on your Xbox One. It might be easier to set it up in the same room as your Windows 10 PC so you can see both at once – but it’s certainly not necessary, if you don’t mind moving back and forth should you need to double check any info.
Step 5: Connect your devices. Make sure both your PC and your Xbox One are on the same wired or wireless network (wireless networks should have the same name). Then, on your Xbox One, navigate to the Preferences section of the Settings menu, and make sure the “Allow game streaming to other devices” box is checked. Next, in the Xbox app on your PC, go to the left-hand navigation and click on “Connect.” You should see your Xbox One listed as a connection option (in certain circumstances, it will already be connected – for example, if you’ve previously connected in the past). Simply click on your console’s listing, and the app will handle the rest. If you’re having trouble connecting, try restarting the app.
Step 6: Stream those games! Go to the Xbox app’s Home menu, then select a recent Xbox One game from the Recently Played list, then “Play from Console” to start streaming. Alternatively, you’ll notice two live buttons in the “Connect” area: “Test Streaming” and “Stream.” You can use “Test Streaming” for troubleshooting, or to test your connection, but “Stream” is where the magic happens. Click that, and your PC will establish a live stream immediately to your Xbox One. A full-screen interface will pop up, and your controller (the one connected to your PC) will be in charge. You will be able to play whatever game is currently running on your Xbox One, completely live. You can launch the game via your Xbox One, or launch it through the Xbox app (although, if it’s a physical disc game, remember that you will have to physically put the disc into the console yourself – there are limits to what streaming technology can do!).
You can also access all Xbox One menus, talk to friends via Xbox Live, play online (if you have Xbox Live Gold on Xbox One)… heck, you can even play Xbox 360 games through Xbox One Backward Compatibility, all on your PC!
Step 7: There is no Step 7. That’s it! Seriously. There are really just six steps. And since Step 1 was “plug in the controller” and Step 2 was “fire up the Xbox app”, let’s be honest here: That’s really four steps. Pretty darn simple!
Oh, don’t forget that voice chat works just fine too; you’ll just need to plug a Windows 10 compatible mic into your PC or tablet, so you can talk with your friends over Xbox Live via streaming, too!
I have three accounts on my XBox (now it's two). The problem is the main account that I use is not the one that was made first, so when I go to download 'Mature' demos it says that 'this account is not permitted to download content with this rating'. I can download stuff that is rated 'Teen'.
I have already gone to the settings and changed it to 'Adult' but it still gives me the error. I have even deleted the account that was made first and it still won't allow me to.
How do I make my account able to download 'Mature'-rated games?
7 Answers
If you are over 18 and want to promote your account to an adult account, read the support article on how to promote an Xbox LIVE child account to an adult account
This only works if your age according to the date of birth entered when the account was first created is over 18 (or whatever the legal adult age is where you live). If you entered the wrong date of birth, you have to create a new account.
Can't Download Game Onto Xbox One Even Though Theres Storage On Youtube
My XBox Live Account thinks I'm still 16 and I can still download 'M' rated content. This is the way I do it:
For DLC's like AC:Brotherhood:
- Put game disc in console
- Launch game
- At the menu go to 'extras'/'dlc'
- When the DLC list is loaded press the button that opens the guide window to view DLC's while still in-game ('x' for ex.)
- Select the content you wish to download.
- On the following window, select 'download' and press the 'a' button.
- After the download is complete, you will now have your content.
For game demos and other non-DLC items, you must use a Kinect.
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- Using ONLY voice commands; locate the content you wish to download.
- Once there, open the download window to confirm your download (again, ONLY using voice commands!)
- Finally, using your hand, select 'download' and it should work.
Have you checked if Content Controls are turned on?

Can't Download Game Onto Xbox One Even Though There's Storage One
When at the Dashboard, go to the Settings tab, and select Family. You can either turn Content Controls off, or change the rating level for games that is acceptable to download by selecting Ratings and Content.
Sorry to say, but if you set your account age to say that you are under 18, you will be unable to download mature content.
If you really want to download it, make another account and set your age to 20. I don't normally condone lying, but come on Microsoft, >50% of your M rated game fanbase is <18. (Don't quote me on that).
Can't Download Game Onto Xbox One Even Though There's Storage System
I fixed it by creating another account with a birthdate indicating that you are 21 years old.
Can't Download Game Onto Xbox One Even Though Theres Storage On Wheels
- Sign in with the second account (the 21+ one) MAKE SURE IT HAS BEEN SIGNED UP FOR XBOX LIVE!! (Does not have to be a gold membership)
- In the store, search for what game you want to download (or demo if you have no points)
- After the game has FINISHED downloading completely, sign out and sign in with your primary account.
- Enjoy the game! (Can be found in 'games' section or in recent downloads)
Can T Install Game Xbox One
Try this, it just worked for me while trying to purchase a game with a T rating for my son and maybe someone can confirm if it works for them.
While he was logged in with his own XBL account he couldn't search for the game due to the rating. I signed out of XBL and then did the search again for the game and was able to find it. I then selected it and was prompted to sign in with an XBL account and I chose his. I was then prompted for payment options and after that process I was able to download the game to his XBL account.
Again, looking for confirmation from others as to how this works for them.
If you go onto then sign in with your main profile that is parent to the others. Then go to accounts. There you can click the profile that your wanting to modify, and from there you can edit all privacy and rating settings.
protected by FrankFeb 4 '15 at 0:52

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